We Believe thriving followers of Jesus will Be Devoted Worshipers of God, so we choose to Gather to Worship as an expression of our love for God together.
Located in South Jordan, Utah, the heart of the Salt Lake Valley, River Community Church is a local Christian fellowship made up of ordinary people devoted to Simply Following Jesus. You're invited to thrive together with us as we Gather to Worship, Grow in Community, and Go on Mission.
We Exist to Grow God’s Kingdom One Heart at a Time, encouraging as many people as possible to become thriving followers of Jesus whose lives overflow with faith, hope, and love to the world around us.
Responding to God's Love with Devotion
to Worship, Community, & Mission.
What we believe determines how we worship God and live our lives as followers of Jesus Christ. Upholding God’s TRUTH as proclaimed in His Word, the Bible, we seek UNITY in primary matters, GRACE in secondary matters, and LOVE in all things.
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